The Christie Conference

The Christie Conference was established in 2010 and aims to be UiB’s most important meeting place between research, politics, administration, culture, society, and business. Prof. Dhayalan Velauthapillai is also going to contribute to the depth, discussion, and debate at this conference. The session is going to be held on 25th April 2023 at 9.45 am.

Breakfast meeting: Global climate change – threats, challenges and opportunities

Great day! We, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) had immense pleasure to have our former Prime Minister Erna Solberg, former Minister for Development Dag-Inge Ulstein and the Director of Norad, Bård Vegard Sollie to attend a discussion panel on Global climate change – threats, challenges and opportunities. We at HVL are so inspired by their presence at our Bergen campus and are so delighted to showcast our prototypes of emerging solar cells, Hydrogen production materials, supercapacitors and CO2 adsorbing materials. Our research scholars from Sri Lanka and India are overjoyed by the response from highly respected personalities.


Klimafestivalen Varmere Våtere Villere (Breakfast meeting: Global climate change – threats, challenges, and opportunities)

Dhayalan Velauthapillai, professor of physics, Western Norway University of applied sciences will participate in a conversation with an emphasis on why access to renewable energy is crucial for creating sustainable development, jobs, tax revenues and thus economic and social development in various parts of the world. Former Prime Minister of Norway, Erna Solberg, Director of Norad Bård Vegard Solhjell, former minister Dag Inge Ulsteinvik and Ruth Emilie Skjærvik will also be participating in the discussion. The event will be held on 16th march at 08:15-09:00 am at K2 building, HVL.

More details visit-

Research demonstration at Varmere Våtere Villere for High School student

Students from Anceha research group demonstrated their ongoing research activities on materials and technologies for hydrogen production through water splitting, perovskite solar cell, super capacitor, luminescent solar concentrator, dye sensitized solar cells for the High School students. After the demonstrations, the minister of Norway also visited the clean energy research lab at HVL to see the ongoing research activity.


Could the answer to new clean energy solutions lie in front of us?

Recently an article appeared on the website. The article highlighted the ongoing research activities carried out by Professor Dhayalan Velauthapillai and his research team at the HVL laboratory in Bergen. It focused on research on new nanomaterials for solar cells, hydrogen, and energy storage. For full article

HVL’s Research and Development (R&D) Award for 2022 – Prof. Dhayalan Velauthapillai

The R&D award aims to stimulate further development of the quality of research, increase the acquisition of external funding and international recognition. This year’s award went to Dhayalan Velauthapillai, professor at the Department of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. The jury emphasizes that Prof. Dhayalan Velauthapillai has a large number of international co-publications and is high on the list of the most publishing researchers in Norway.  His work to build and develop a professional environment and the ability to collaborate internally and externally, nationally and internationally, contributes to strengthening HVL’s international research and educational collaboration making Prof. Dhayalan Velauthapillai a good ambassador for HVL.

Source –

Award ceremony video –

An article appeared in the popular norwegian technical magazine Teknisk Ukeblad on our Hydrogen related research activities

We, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) are proud to be part of the FME research center for Hydrogen, HyValue, funded by the Norwegian Research Council. An article appeared in the popular norwegian technical magazine Teknisk Ukeblad on our Hydrogen related research activities connected to the HyValue center.

Article Link-

Prof. Dhayalan Velauthapillai got the 7th place on the top 10 list of researchers who published the most in 2021

Prof. Dhayalan Velauthapillai is listed seventh in the Forskerforum indicator report. His research focuses on nanomaterials for new types of solar cells, hydrogen production and energy storage. As the head of the research group on Advanced Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Health Applications, he highlighted the international collaboration and the support from the faculty as important reasons for the high publication points.

– I have a broad international collaboration and supervise many PhD students who come here to Norway to work on their research projects. All this helped the publishing speedI have to thank the entire management at the institute, the faculty and the top management who have supported me the whole time. It gives me motivation in my work.

More details visit- and

NORPART seminar 2022

A two-day NORPART project seminar was organized by the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills at the Olso Metropolitan University on September 21-22 September 2022. The seminar included lectures, discussions, debates, and networking with project coordinators, project members, institutional contact persons, administrative staff, and students related to the projects. The focus of the seminar has been on the partnership, communication, dissemination, and synergies. Professor Dhayalan Velauthapillai presented the NORPART project of the ANCEHA research group during the session.

Program agenda :